Anderson and Watson Lakes

Location: North Cascades - Baker Lake
Length: 4 miles roundtrip
Elevation: Gain/1100 ft. Highest/4900 ft.
Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Time: 3.5 hours
If you can manage, pack along your swimsuit and picnic gear. The only reason this hike is a tad moderate is because you gain a bit of elevation in a short distance of 2 miles. Not only that, but the hike has a nice gradual incline until a few spots where you swear you're climbing the whole 1100 ft. right then and there.
The trail starts in the sun-dappled forest that has great wooden boardwalks along the way. Make sure to sign in at the register in case you get eaten by a bear. At about the half way point, you break out into a meadow that looks like a postcard. It has a rocky stream running through with all sorts of wildflowers and if you look behind you, Mt. Baker is right in your face. This is an option for Anderson Butte on the left at this point. I haven't done it myself, but apparently it has some decent view of Mt. Baker and Mt. Shuksan.

What up, Mt. Baker!
Here you head back into the shady forest for a steep decline. This part kicked my butt on the way back. You come across another option when you break out into another pretty meadow. Left for Watson Lakes. Right for lower Anderson Lake. I went left. Two lakes are better than one!
You come around a corner and see the sparkling lakes down below. It kind of hurts realizing you have to hike down to them and come all the way back up. But cowgirl up! It's worth it!
Watson Lakes
The flies were really bad when I went, so I didn't hang around too long. You are allowed to camp here, which is cool. Make sure you have a decent vehicle to take up here.
Directions: take a left onto Baker Lake Rd. off of highway 20. After about 15 miles turn right onto Baker Lake Dam Road. When you cross the wooden bridge (after the dam) take a left onto FR-1107. You're going to drive up this gravel road for about 10 miles before you reach the well signed junction for Anderson and Watson Lakes. Don't forget your forest pass and happy hiking!
