Finney Creek Road

Location: South Skagit Highway / Concrete-Sauk Valley Road
Length: 28 miles?
Time: 2 hours

If you want a cool drive, take Finney Creek Road. It's a long, long, scenic drive up in the mountains where hikers, hunters, and campers worship. Just make sure you have lots of time on your hands, a full tank of gas, some snackies, and good tires. It's so worth it, but you will be dodging many potholes. This is a drive my dad has taken me on my entire life. It's basically a labyrinth of logging roads but if you aren't completely retarded, you won't get lost. I love it because it takes you to "high" country where the air smells amazing, you get to see wild creatures and gorgeous wildflowers. There are so many spots for camping, especially along the creek itself. And if you have a boyfriend that loves to hunt, he can scout while you just chill.

I recently took this drive and when I found a good place to pee, I could see a make-shift campsite that had a huge cliff beyond it. I walked in the woods a little further and there was a HUGE landslide! I'm not sure how long ago this happened but it's pretty incredible.

The picture just doesn't do it justice...

Just a nice little view of Mt. Baker.

Above is a picture of one of the many cool little camp spots and it has the most amazing view of Mt. Baker. Remember to pack it in and pack it out. Don't litter! And don't get shot dead, either :/ Or eaten by a cougar. This is a great place for a Sunday drive.
