Recap: Summer of 2017

So, I didn't do much in the way of posts this summer because I was busy introducing friends to hikes I've already written about. I think I'll write additional posts on hikes where my experience warrants some new insight, such as backpacking a trail vs doing it as day hike. I hiked Cutthroat Pass, Heather-Maple Loop, Goat Lake, Multnomah Falls, and Yellow Aster Butte. I didn't do nearly as much hiking as I wanted due to an extremely busy work schedule this summer. I hoping that won't be the case next summer and am determined to do more outdoor activities this winter to keep the magic coming all year long!

Heather-Maple Pass showing off her ornate natural beauty. 

Multnomah Falls, a mere drizzle in late summer.

Falls on the trail to Goat Lake.

Goat Lake on a perfect summer day. 

A torturous and wet attempt backpacking YAB. 
